A meeting between the Bantu lullabies of the Congo, electronic music and hip-hop. A hybrid project that gives pride of place to dance and highlights the daily lives of Congolese women in a bold and above all contemporary way. “Les Mamans du Congo” is a unique encounter between Gladys Samba, known as Mama Glad, holder of the heritage of the Bantu lullabies of the Congo, and Rrobin, the beatmaker who speaks in the ear of house and rap, figurehead of the Galant Records label.
On stage, Les Mamans du Congo dance to the bewitching rhythms of Rrobin. They sing in Lari about the history of their people and the daily life of Congolese women, setting it to music with complex rhythms played with forks, plates, baskets, drumsticks and recycled materials.
New EP of remix, RMX Vol. 2 / Autumn 2024
Album Ya Mizolé 2023 // Top of the world – SONGLINES – Nov. 23
Ntima (Rebeka Warrior remix) – July. 24
SHOWCASE WOMEX Manchester 2025
Influences : Bantu lullabies
Workshop - Music / Dance / Cooking / Talk
Gladys Nathalie SAMBA - Lead Vocal
Robin BASTIDE - DJ, beatmaker
Argéa Béodalsy KIMBEMBE - Vocal, dance
Penina Sionne LIVANGOU - Vocal, dance
Jésureth Kibé Fallonne BEMBA - Vocal, dance
Mel MALONGA - Percussions
Rémi GONON - Sound engineer
Samuel CLEMENTE - Light engineer