After 8 years of existence, Balani reinvents itself and becomes Balani X Dara. This new collaboration finds its original roots in Burkina and creates a retro-futuristic synergy, a balance between modern music, tradition and creative audacity. Once again, they are pushing back the boundaries of the pentatonic balafon, the harmonic foundation of today’s music.
‘BALANI travels an unexplored path of the pentatonic balafon. BALANI’s legitimacy of their balaphonic practice is confirmed by the initiatory protocol giving them permission to play in front of an audience. WAX has been following BALANI since 2017, and their artistic maturity is well underway, with an album in progress and a residency planned for 2025’.
Balani is the story of three guys who met Africa and never came back. Aware that the Africans had found a social, spiritual and artistic formula for transferring energy from earth to heaven through dance, making body, soul and spirit work in unison, they were amazed to discover their power to create real therapy for a West sick with its quest for materiality. They now have only one fixed idea: to get their fellow human beings dancing to what sounds like retro-futuristic music, a 60s Afro musician’s dream taking shape today. Between Congo, Nigeria and Côte d’Ivoire, their electromagnetic music grabs you from head to toe. And just as your mind seems to let go and your body goes into a trance, convulsing to the beat, you realise that you are in fact as aware as ever. A rare sensation that these humble geniuses are finally bringing within our reach. Emmanuel Truchet – Nouvelle VAGUE 16/03/23
Album “Expérience”
Résidence, Création & Album 2025
Tour references : Vercors music, Festival de Néoules, Les Zaccros de ma rue, Les Clartés Musicales, Cabaret Frappé, Africajarc, Festival un autre monde, L’été sous les CHarmes, Festival Donké, Itinéraire BIS, Un été à la Rayonne, Lyon Street Food Festival, Le 109, Yumm Luxembourg, Vercors en Scène, Espace Prévert, Lafi Bala, Rues en Musique, Fêtes de la Mirabelle – Metz, Petzl Party – DE, Sam’Africa, Guill’en Fêtes, La Bobine, Vand’influences, Globeshakers, Percufolies, Africa Fest, Au pré de mon âne, Festival Dezinc, Dans les murs du son, Chézery en concert, le Carroi, Bulles D’afrique, Festa des Circuits court, Caph’Arts Naüm, Eté Frappé – D’ici et d’ailleurs, Lausanne Afro Fusions Festival, La Péniche Cancale, Hey Gamins, …
Patrick Senellart - Pentatonic Balafon, vocal, percussion
Jérôme Pupier - Singer, entertainer, beat-maker
Brahima Sanogo - Pentatonic Balafon, djembe, dunun, vocal
Dara - Pentatonic Balafon, lead vocal